Sometimes Lord

Sometimes Lord,
it is hard to find the words.
Sometimes, just one word expresses it well.
So we pray help.
Help all those who are grieving.
Help all those who are sick and/or who have been exposed.
Help the frontline workers.
Help all those whose livelihoods have been affected.
Help the most vulnerable.
Help our families.
Help the world.
Help us because we are tired and afraid.
Remind us that you are with us
in the midst of this.
We give you thanks for that.
So please cover us with your peace this day,
may we rest underneath the shadow of your wings.

Prayer for These Times

Holy One, the days of the virus linger on.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
The news updates roll in like wave after wave,
bringing more stories, more pain, more fear.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
The ache of separateness from loved ones
is sometimes hard to bear.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
Cloistered in quietude, may deep speak to deep.
May I make my home within my heart where you meet me.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
Expand my soul space, deepen my awareness of you
Help me to be still, that you may do an enlivening and healing work in me.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
That I may emerge from this secluded space deeper, stronger, more whole.
For God alone my soul waits in silence.
My soul waits in you.

Rev. Eva Sullivan-Knoff

Prayer During These Stressful Times

We remember each person and family who has been directly affected by the Coronavirus. We light a candle and offer a prayer for healing for each one far and wide. We invite you to light a candle from ours and light another’s candle, for as we light each other’s candles, the light expands, warms, heals, and encourages.

Pray with us.

Gracious God,
We turn to you in these very uncertain times and we implore you for your help.
Breathe peace into our tired and fearful beings.
Breathe strength and protection into each front line health care worker as they put themselves on the line everyday.
Bless and protect those who deliver medicine and food and help as we seek to care for one another.
Comfort those who are shut in, isolated from everyone. May they feel your love and support deeply.
Compassionate God, we plead for healing for all those who have been affected. Breathe your healing into each one and may all toxins and sickness leave them and dissipate.
Please stop the spread of this terrible disease. Please heal and restore our global neighborhood, each country, each person who needs your healing touch, please grant it Lord.
Grant us all wisdom and discernment, especially those on the front lines.
Grant help and resources for those struggling for their livelihoods because of this virus.
Lord, please grant us all wisdom.
Move us all to work with you, to heal, to provide, and to protect.
Grant your peace to each and every person and may it permeate our beings.
Thank you Lord for hearing us, for walking with us.
We need you Lord.