Lenten Group
Are you feeling a call or desire to grow your inner life? Are you looking to connect the different facets of your life in a way that is more integrated? Are you longing to find a center for your being? “The answers, I think, reside in things that neither come nor go with the years and the time. The answers lie in bringing wisdom to bear,” writes Joan Chittister in her book, Wisdom Distilled From The Daily: Living The Rule of St. Benedict Today.
Please join me, The Rev. Belinda Chandler, via Zoom, on Saturday mornings during Lent, in exploring Chiitister’s guidepost for living. The hope for this exploration is that you will come to know God and experience God’s presence at a deeper level in your life. We will begin our time together on Saturday, March 8 at 8:30AM, concluding at 9:30AM. Our last meeting will be Saturday, April 12. To participate in this study and discussion, you will need a copy of the book by Joan Chittister, Wisdom Distilled From The Daily, a journal and a writing tool. You will be expected to come to each session prepared to reflect upon and discuss the assigned chapters from Chittister’s book.
When: Saturday mornings starting March 8, 8:30-9:30am. Ending on April 12.
Where: Zoom
Cost: $60 or $10 a week. If that is financially challenging, pay what you can.
Click here to pay which also registers you: https://givebutter.com/plzco7
Belinda Chandler is a spiritual director who received her training as a spiritual director through the Siena Retreat Center’s Spiritual Guidance Training Program in Racine, Wisconsin. Belinda is also an Episcopal priest and a retired board certified chaplain. She lives with her husband, Henry, and two dogs. Belinda and Henry have three married adult children and grandchildren. Belinda enjoys being with her grandchildren as often as she can. She also enjoys playing with her dogs, reading, gardening, knitting and practicing yoga.