
Journey Center of Chicago


  • Sali Honess-Ondrey
    Sali Honess-Ondrey
    LCSW, Certifed Enneagram Trainer

    Sali was first introduced to the Enneagram in 2000 using the wisdom it offered in her private counseling practice. In 2016 she was certified as an Enneagram Trainer through Enneagram Spectrum program. Since that time Sali has developed and facilitated several workshops for a variety of groups from corporate employees to those living in generational poverty and the homeless. She has been a Certified Spiritual Director since 2010. To learn visit:



More Info



Nov 03 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm





The Enneagram of the Holy Ideas Small Group

A Small Group with Sali Honess-Ondrey

Just as the Gut Center holds the Instincts and the Heart Center holds the Virtues and Vices, the Head Center holds the Holy Ideas and Fixations.

We are continually living out of all three centers whether we are aware of it or not. As our awareness around these centers increase, we are invited to notice where ego has led us, and what truth calls us back to.

The nine Holy Ideas within the Enneagram are certainly challenging, even unsettling, but some would say they offer us freedom that is real freedom. Each Idea is connected to a particular Enneagram type which can grasp the truth held within. We will gather up to 10 people to explore these Holy Ideas. We will do this slowly and honestly, unafraid to work with our resistance in order to make real movement forward.

This group will begin Thursday, January 20, 2022, and meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm Central time through Zoom. It will meet over 20 sessions with January ushering us in and November ushering us out and each of the nine months between dealing with one of the Holy Ideas. We will use Facets of Unity, The Enneagram of Holy Ideas, by A.H. Almaas to guide and support us.


****This current group is full. Please contact if you would be interested in joining this group the next time it is forming.****

Date/Time/Location: First/Third Thursday of each month, starting Jan 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:30pm. Online

Registration & Cost: By registering, one is making a commitment to attend the full year.
The cost to participate in the small group is $15 per session, or $300 for the year. One can pay monthly or the total upfront.

Scholarships are available.