The Enneagram

Introduction to the Enneagram

The Enneagram of Personality is a dynamic personality typing system based on the observation of human behavior. It outlines nine different personality types with each type operating out of a mix of both natural gifts and developed defensive strategies. Once these gifts and defensive strategies are recognized, self-awareness and behavioral choice increase. The areas of life where these changes can take place are numerous resulting in increased success and satisfaction.

An Enneagram Train-the-Trainer Opportunity

Moving Beyond:
An Enneagram Training and Certification Program

This 80-hour training and certification program, done in two distinct modules, provides a comprehensive Enneagram education as well as specialized content regarding the ins and outs of bringing the Enneagram to communities outside the traditional reach of Enneagram trainings. This unique blend of knowledge and practice provides for the graduate the needed experience to navigate in this pioneering space.

About This Training

This train-the-trainer program seeks to bring excellent Enneagram content to traditionally under-resourced communities by training people connected, culturally or through employment, directly to a community in the hopes of extending the life-changing potential held within this tool.


  • Expand the introduction and use of the Enneagram into more diverse communities who have had limited access.
  • Flattening barriers of engagement for a community with the equipping of culturally aligned trainers.
  • Create an ongoing support group for trainers certified through the Moving Beyond program to share new learning, new training opportunities, and new venues.
  • Promote the pioneering work and benefits of bringing the Enneagram to non-traditional groups.
  • Attract an interest among Enneagram enthusiasts and professionals to join in the work of bringing the Enneagram into new spaces.

Upcoming Training

Module One: Foundations, Understanding the Enneagram Types and Subtypes From the “Inside Out.”
September 5 through November 7, 2024 (40 Hours)
**Project due November 27, 2024**

Module Two: The WORK: Using the Enneagram For Change and Growth in Traditionally Non-Resourced Communities
January 9 through March 13, 2025 (40 Hours)
**Final Project due April 17, 2025** 

Program Format

Through the use of two 10-week modules, the cohort will gather online (synchronous) for 2 hours of instruction, discussion, and group interaction around the week’s content received a week prior using an online platform (asynchronous.) The first of these modules gives the learner a deep understanding of both Type and Instinctual Bias knowledge while the second module takes the learner into the many ways to use this knowledge to support and guide growth in problem-solving and more effective daily living. This second module also exposes the learner to the unique challenges and opportunities that come with pushing the boundaries of traditional Enneagram into new communities.

Each module will require participants to interact with the material presented to ensure that in the end each will know themselves to be competent as they take this amazing tool into their communities for the good of those communities.

Contact [email protected] to register for this training.


We offer several Enneagram opportunities with our instructors for those new to the Enneagram, or to those who wish to explore the Enneagram on a deeper level. We are excited about these and hope you will join us.

Available Now

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Coming Soon

The Enneagram of the Holy Ideas Series


The Journey Center of Chicago has two certified Enneagram instructors. Both have experience leading individuals and groups through the Enneagram.

Sali Honess-Ondrey

Sali was first introduced to the Enneagram in 2000 using it in her private counseling practice. She is certified through both the Enneagram Spectrum and the Awareness to Action programs. She is an Accredited Professional through the International Enneagram Association and has developed, Moving Beyond, an Enneagram Training and Certification Program, a certification program designed to extend the Enneagram into under-resourced communities. Sali works with individuals and organizations helping people from many walks of life find what the Enneagram holds that invites them into growing awareness, practices that support more effective interactions, and greater peace. To learn more visit:

Pam Sutherland

Pam is a Chicago-based certified spiritual director and Enneagram teacher. She uses the Enneagram extensively in her work with individuals, couples, leadership teams, and groups as a framework for facilitating deeper self-awareness, mutual understanding, appreciation, and empathy. She is certified in Enneagram SpectrumBringing out the Best in Yourself at Work, and most recently IEA-certified through The Art of Growth’s Practitioner & Coaching Certifications (2023). She has extensive training in the Enneagram instincts and subtypes.