Honoring and Learning from the Other Types: Type Seven – Caring to See the Possibilities
Presenter, Sali Honess-Ondrey
Aware that life unfolds logically bringing with it both opportunities and limitations, the Seven works with this unfolding seeing the possibilities that exist and recommending them to us. Join us as we explore the creative gifts of the Type Seven.
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Honoring and Learning from the Other Types: Type Six – Being Courageous
Presenter, Sali Honess-Ondrey
The gift of Type Six is the trusting of their inner knowing in spite of the nay-sayers inside and outside them. What a power gift that we can all learn from. Come join us as we learn from Type Six to navigate life with greater self-confidence.
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Honoring and Learning from the Other Types: Type Five – Noticing from a Place of Detachment
Presenter, Sali Honess-Ondrey
Type Fives are able to see the distinguishing parts of the whole and how these parts relate to one another. Their detached approach allows what is to be both uncontested but also worked with. Come join us as we explore the gifts of the Five!
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Honoring and Learning from the Other Types: Type Four – Caring to Discover What is There
Presenter, Sali Honess-Ondrey
Type Fours ask us to look deeply; they invite us to step back and look again to see what we missed but what they have seen all along. With great equanimity (composure under pressure) they are able to bear the whole picture: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Come join us as we encounter the beauty of the Four!
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Honoring and Learning from the Other Types: Type Three – Loving the Work
Three Types care deeply about feeling valued and accepted. They are motivating and encouraging, and at their best, they are confident, competent, and optimistic projections providing them with natural resilience. Their gifts can carry us along with their enthusiasm and inspire hope. What kind of world would we live in without the Threes? Join me Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 10:30 Central time on Zoom as we explore how to be in meaningful community with the gifts of Type Three.
Registration will be open until midnight March 16th.
Presenter: Dr. Wytress Richardson
Date: March 18, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon
Where: Online
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Type Two-Allowing Ourselves to be Inconvenienced
Twos seek love by giving and receiving; They are the love bug of all types. At their Best, they are unselfish and altruistic, and they have unconditional love for others. Their gift is to spread love, give, help, and connect. What kind of world would we live in without the Twos? Join me as we explore how to be in meaningful community with the gifts of Type Two.
Presenter: Dr. Wytress Richardson
Date: February 18, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon
Where: Online
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO
Type One – Caring to Do Things Well While Practicing Serenity
Ones are laser focused on doing what they can to ensure all is the best it can be. Whether this is a person, place, or thing, the desire to see the potential recognized is always worth the effort.
Presenter: Sali Honess-Ondrey
Date: January 21, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon
Where: Online
Cost: $35. If that is financially challenging, we invite you to pay what you can.
Register: https://givebutter.com/My92pO