Because You Are

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer
Emmanuel, God with us, we give you thanks and praise for who you are and all you have done.
In these moments, help us to soak it in, that we may be filled with joy and the awareness of your presence within.

Christmas soon approaches. Some of you may be connected to the joy it brings. For others of you, grief may be intensified. Wherever you find yourself, with questions and heartache, or with joy and promise, may you sense Emmanuel, God with us, coming to you right where you are.

Because You Are
Giver of Joy and Promise
We pause to take in
This wonder of wonders
Beyond our imaginings
That You come as one of us
To know what we know
To experience what we do
To share your life with us
Your life within us

Because You are
Hope is realized
For you bring hope from despair
beauty from ashes
Comfort from sorrow
Honor from shame
Transforming our pain
Giving us life anew

Because You are
Joy comes in the morning
Because you come to us as we are
Calling us by name
Lifting our face
That we may gaze in your eyes
And see your love and acceptance
reflected there

Because You are
Love heals us
For You come
Embracing us to yourself
Imprinting upon our hearts
That we are your beloved
Made in your image
Each one of us

Because You are
We are restored
For You walk beside us always
Your presence healing and renewing
Because You came
Because You are
Because You are
Emmanuel, God with us.


(Rev. Eva Sullivan-Knoff, copyright 2019)