Sali Honess-OndreyLCSW, Certifed Enneagram Trainer
Sali was first introduced to the Enneagram in 2000 using the wisdom it offered in her private counseling practice. In 2016 she was certified as an Enneagram Trainer through Enneagram Spectrum program. Since that time Sali has developed and facilitated several workshops for a variety of groups from corporate employees to those living in generational poverty and the homeless. She has been a Certified Spiritual Director since 2010. To learn visit: https://salihonessondrey.com/
“Yes, and…” An Enneagram Workshop
When presented with something we don’t know or don’t like most of us seem to have a default setting which is set to, “No!” What would it take to shift this to, “Yes, and”? What would such a shift look like? We will explore these two questions through the lens of our Enneatypes. Prior knowledge of the Enneagram Types will be helpful.
Facilitator: Sali Honess-Ondrey LCSW
Certified Teacher Enneagram Spectrum
Spiritual Director
Saturday, May 30
Online through Zoom
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CST