Third Sunday of Advent
The Prophets Caught a Vision
The prophets caught a vision
too thrilling to ignore
of children leading nations
no longer armed for war,
of weapons used for planting
and wolf and lamb at play,
of wild things all conspiring,
Preparing God’s own way
The prophets sought a vision,
a dream of God’s own reign
where peace embraces justice
and joy eclipses pain.
and though such dreams seem useless
their purposes grow clear:
to free minds long held captive
and loose hearts gripped by fear.
God, grow in us a vision
beyond our common dreams
that wakes imaginations
asleep in selfish schemes.
Then rising up together,
your vision as our goal,
we work toward that great promise
a shattered world made whole.
Text written by Dr. Rev. David Bjorlin © 2020 GIA Publications, Inc.