Pam Sutherland
Pam is a Chicago-based certified spiritual director and Enneagram teacher. She uses the Enneagram extensively in her work with individuals, couples, leadership teams, and groups as a framework for facilitating deeper self-awareness, mutual understanding, appreciation, and empathy. She is certified in Enneagram Spectrum, Bringing out the Best in Yourself at Work, and most recently IEA-certified through The Art of Growth Practitioner & Coaching Certifications (2023). She has extensive training in the Enneagram instincts and subtypes.
Engaging with the Enneagram Instincts: A 4-Part Series, Fall 2023
We invite you to engage with us this fall in this 4-part series focused on the Enneagram Instincts and Subtypes. These sessions will build on one another, so please plan to join us for the whole journey. These sessions will build on one another, so please plan to join us for the whole journey. The sessions will be led by Pam Sutherland, a spiritual director and Enneagram consultant, teacher, and coach.
Cost: $140 for all 4 sessions. If this is a hardship, the Journey Center invites you to pay what you can.
Where: Online through Zoom
When: Monday evenings October 30, November 6, 13, and 20
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Central Time
Register: https://givebutter.com/drfL3f (Since the Journey Center is a nonprofit organization, this link takes you to a contribution page, which is how you register.)
October 30: Introduction to the Instincts – Uncovering the Layer Between our Type Patterns
Instincts operate at a level below our personalities, causing us to react in ways we’re not fully conscious of. We explore characteristics of all three instincts (Self-Preservation, Social Belonging, and Sexual/One-to-One), where and how we see them operating in ourselves, and how we can navigate this level more consciously.
November 6: From Instincts to Subtypes – Why Subtypes Matter
We explore how the layering of the nine Enneatype patterns and the three Instinctual energies creates 27 different and unique Subtypes. The Subtypes provide a layer of clarity and specificity that explain much of the variety within Enneatypes, aid in Enneatype identification, and reveal specific opportunities for accessing more of our full selves.
November 13: Exploring our Instinctual Sequence – Invitation into Accessing More of Ourselves
We dip back into the Instincts and consider how our Instinctual sequence informs how our specific Enneatype structure and patterns are expressed. We explore the invitations for accessing more of our full selves through integrating the hidden gifts of our less-dominant Instinctual energies.
November 20: Navigating the Instincts in Relationships with Empathy & Appreciation
Instinctual sequences can provide just as much, and in some cases more, insight into the relational synergies and challenges we experience. We explore how our Instinctual sequences inform our relationships; the commonalities shared by people of different types with the same dominant Instinct; and what our invitations are into navigating our relationships with empathy and appreciation.